Well, since the ABCOSSA executives decided to make what would have been a pleasant experience into a very debatable and unruly process, I FRANK ADDAE-ABOAGYE have decided to do what i consider in my own opinion as proper and representative awards to deserving level 400 students and lecturers, as well as TAs, as i deem fit. In the end you may feel free to disagree but since opinions are like noses, I see it to be more representative of actual situations and more fun than what was compiled by a certain lady in Level 400 of DABCS!!! (LMAO)
So, first of all, I need to address some of the issues I had with the ABCOSSA nominations.
First of all, if you say we should nominate and subsequently vote for someone to be the best male/female personality for a whole academic year, I believe that you have to be explicit on the definition. What i mean is that, is it personality based on how:
A) Humorous/Dry
B) Handsome/Beautiful/Ugly/Unsightly
C) Intelligent/Dumb
D) Bold/Timid/Shy
E) Punctual/Late
F) Wealthy/Broke
G) Polite/Rude a person is???
FYI, dear Commtitte forNominations and Awards persons, you just can't do that.
Secondly, If you are voting for best lecturer, we (The Academia) do not nominate lecturers for such a position, BY VIRTUE OF ONE BEING A LECTURER, THE PERSON AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFIES!!!
Anyways enough of the lambasting. Now onto more important things.
1. Project presentation that resulted in Uncontrollable fits of Laughter: NSD
2. Project presentation without questions asked: Mike Becks
3. Longest Presentation Ever: Richmond
4. Friendliest Gentleman: Flamingo
5. Frendliest Lady: Sandra Commey
6. Boy who used a car for more than one month: Nana
7. Girl who used a car for more than one month: Sheila
8. Miss Trendy Dress: Hannah Sackey
9. Mr. Trendy Clothes: Mordy
10. Always first to class: Daniel
11: Rarely Seen in Class: Boye
12. Alcohol in Blood: Richard, Flamingo, Richmond, Reginald
13. Facebook Addicts: Jacque, Mike Becks
14. Pastor in class: Linda
15. I ask most sex-related questions: Flamingo
16. Call me drowsy-head: Chris David
17. Call me mimic: Richard
18. Call me peace-loving: Vanessa
19. Call me strong woman: Mary
20. Call me shy!!!: Debbie
21. Call me intrusive: Grace, Safoa
22. Call us Best Couple: Vanessa and Cyber. Daniel and Diamond
23. Most likely to end up as pastor: Nana, Flamingo, Daniel, Duker, Boye
24. Most likely to go into politics: Chris, Flamingo, Richard
25. Most Carefree: Rita
26. Lecturer with serious swag: Dr. Owusu, Prof Owusu
27. Lecturer with nice exam results: Dr. Cobblah, Dr. Darpaah
28. Lecturer with Gr8 sense of humour: Dr. Holbech, Prof. Attuquayefio
I think i will leave it here for now... If you have comments or questions, please post them in the ChatBox on the right. This will be updated whenever I see fit.
My name is CyB3r
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