Wednesday, March 16, 2011
We are all Just A Lil' Bit Messed up!!!
There is a song by Casting Crowns called "STAINED GLASS MASQUERADE".
This song talks about the life we are living, trying to act all perfect in front of our friends and other influential people.
As I grow and progress in my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, there is one truth i have come to know as simply undeniable.
This is nothing to be excited about but on the other hand, it is nothing to be ashamed of either.
After all, this is the very reason why Jesus came to die for us. Remember, He who is healthy does not need a doctor/physician. Look because of our very weak and lustful as well as carnal nature, Jesus tells us to abide in Him in John 15. In that same chapter of scripture, He (Jesus) tells us that without Him, we can do nothing..
I have realized that day and night, dawn and dusk, summer and winter, come hell or high water, our flesh would always continue to fight our spirits. This battle is the very reason why we find it difficult to do the things which we ought to do as children of God.
You see, I have suffered onslaught upon onslaught of fleshly attacks from the moment I gave my life to Jesus, several years ago. Sometimes I feel low and unspiritual because of this but then I have comfort in the fact that during a football match, despite the number of players on the field, it is only the player who currently possesses the ball is tackled.
No other player on the pitch is tackled!!!
This is comforting because it lets me know that I have something valuable that the people of the world do not have and because of that, I have become a target of the flesh.
Nevertheless, I would not stand and boast in the sins I have committed but I would rather lean on and rely solely on the redeeming and refining power of the grace of Jesus Christ, obtained through his Holy Blood.
We all sin. Let us not hide that fact. I suffer many weaknesses that would shock you (or not), if I were to open the lid to you.
You see, I just wanna encourage believers to find people that they can be accountable to and share (or confess) their weaknesses to. This is highly essential because the Bible says that He or She who covers His/Her sins would not be forgiven. On the contrary, God expects us to confess our sins one to another so that we may be able to pray for each other and encourage each other in the ways of righteousness and Godliness.
Dear reader, it does not not matter how your friends see you or who the see you to be. The important question is who does God see you to be? Remember that a day cometh, where we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and shall ACCOUNT for all the things we did.
Let us therefore not continue to be hypocrites and pretenders any longer so as to look good in the sight of men but let us strive and endeavour to live for God and to be open with other believers.
Remember, it is better for men to reject you than for God to deny you access into Heaven when it is all said and done and you have received all the praise from men and women!!!
FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Even a thief (or armed robber, or any other criminal) on the day of His (or her) funeral, would have good things said about Him/Her. Think about it.
Let us take off the masks, and live openly and honestly, accepting the forgiveness and grace of God!!!
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Great post. Inspiring message