Thursday, November 10, 2011


Today I want to break down the first Verse of Psalms 23

Ps 23:1
1 THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. 

First of all, if indeed we all do claim that the Lord is our Shepherd, then we are acknowledging that we are sheep. Now let us consider a few scriptures on sheep and shepherd and let us see what it means indeed for the Lord to be our shepherd and for us to be sheep.

Joh 10:25 Jesus said in answer, I have said it and you have no belief: the works which I do in my Father's name, these give witness about me. (BBE)
Joh 10:26 But you have no belief because you are not of my sheep. (BBE)

-----First of all, Your status as a sheep of the Lord is attained when you believe that JESUS CHRIST is GOD. This is seen in the discourse which preceded JOHN 10:25. His accusers told Him to make it plain once and for all, whether He (Jesus) was the CHRIST or not. In reply, the good Lord told them that He had said so and yet they refuse to believe Him. They even wanted to stone Him because "He being a man, made himself God". Jesus made it plain that anyone who does not believe in the Truth of the Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit), is not His sheep.

Joh 10:27 My sheep give ear to my voice, and I have knowledge of them, and they come after me: (BBE)

------Secondly, you can tell whether you are a sheep of the Lord or not if you can hear the voice of the Lord. Remember "My sheep know my voice and they follow me". So we need to examine if indeed we know the voice of God, and whether we follow the voice of God.

Do we even make time to hear from God, or are we too busy pursuing our own voices and being our own shepherds??? Which voices do we follow??? The voices of SOCIETY, FRIENDS OR THE DEVIL??? 


It is extremely vital that we seek the voice of God through fasting, prayer, and study of the word consistently. We can also hear the voice of God through anointed and inspired men of God.

The atmosphere we create for and around ourselves, also increase or decrease our sensitivity to the voice of God. This atmosphere can be created through music. The music you have on in your room or in your earphones, creates an atmosphere where the presence of God can be manifested or the presence of demons is evident. Remember that Light and darkness cannot coexist in the same place. Therefore it is necessary that we as children of God, create the right atmosphere where we can hear from God. Remember that when Saul was possessed with a Devil, David played good spiritual music, which caused the presence of God to settle in their atmosphere, thereby, driving out the Devil in King Saul.

So for this first part of this great topic of being a SHEEP, I would like to conclude by saying that check your status and know when you last heard from God. What is God planning for your life this month??? If you do not know, maybe it is because you are not hearing His voice and if you are not hearing, it could be that you are in the wrong atmosphere (friends, music, movies, etc)....

I pray that as you have read this, you would take time to reflect on these words which came by inspiration, and pray that God will cause you to love His voice, and that you would be a true follower of the Shepherd which is Jesus Christ.

Stay blessed.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Nick Vujicic :: Attitude is Altitude :: No Arms, No Legs, No Worries

Friday, October 21, 2011

Rest In Peace Mr. Qaddafi...

Whenever I hear of famous people or otherwise dying, there is only one thought on my mind. The fact that they can ascertain/verify the existence of Heaven or Hell or otherwise. How I wish that they could come back and share their experiences with us so we know whether to be casual about eternity, whether to be lukewarm or not, whether to take the Word of God seriously, or whether the Jehovah Witnesses are right or not. For me, I wholeheartedly believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell simply because of the fact that the infallible Word of God with reference to Jesus Christ says so. I am a Christian and so I believe in everything the Bible says. So what does the Bible say?

The Bible Says that "I go to prepare a place for you. IF IT WERE NOT SO, I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!!!" Also The Bible says that "If your Hand causes you to sin, cut it off because it will better to enter eternity without hands or (any other appendages for that matter), than to Enter Hell with Both Hands, Where the WORM DOES NOT DIE (WORM IS MAGGOT)". So who am I to doubt what The Bible says or to argue for or against the evidence of people who have had near-death experiences and "claim" to have glimpsed these two realities of eternity??? WHO AM I? MAY QADDAFI REST IS PEACE!!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Deceptions of Life

Lately my world is being torn apart by the truths I am beginning to uncover. I am not done yet but the little truth I have been exposed to, is making me doubt some things I have grown up to believe strongly in. I will explain what I mean shortly but first of all, you may need to keep an open-mind about some of the things I am about to share, if indeed you are going to benefit from any of this.

For example, How old is the Earth? Well according to ZOOL 415 (Evolution), I was taught that the Earth is nearly 4.5billion years old. But taking a critical look at the evidence around, I recon and strongly believe that those Scientists have decided to deceive us on purpose again.

I will continue this topic soon, so please do stop by in 48 hours to check more lies even as I reveal the truth to you. Meanwhile, you can check out for more information on the age of the Earth. See you later...

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Well, since the ABCOSSA executives decided to make what would have been a pleasant experience into a very debatable and unruly process, I FRANK ADDAE-ABOAGYE have decided to do what i consider in my own opinion as proper and representative awards to deserving level 400 students and lecturers, as well as TAs, as i deem fit. In the end you may feel free to disagree but since opinions are like noses, I see it to be more representative of actual situations and more fun than what was compiled by a certain lady in Level 400 of DABCS!!! (LMAO)

So, first of all, I need to address some of the issues I had with the ABCOSSA nominations.

First of all, if you say we should nominate and subsequently vote for someone to be the best male/female personality for a whole academic year, I believe that you have to be explicit on the definition. What i mean is that, is it personality based on how:
 A) Humorous/Dry
 B) Handsome/Beautiful/Ugly/Unsightly 
C) Intelligent/Dumb
D) Bold/Timid/Shy
E) Punctual/Late
F) Wealthy/Broke
G) Polite/Rude a person is???

FYI, dear Commtitte forNominations and Awards persons, you just can't do that.

Secondly, If you are voting for best lecturer, we (The Academia) do not nominate lecturers for such a position, BY VIRTUE OF ONE BEING A LECTURER, THE PERSON AUTOMATICALLY QUALIFIES!!!

Anyways enough of the lambasting. Now onto more important things.

 1. Project presentation that resulted in Uncontrollable fits of Laughter: NSD
2. Project presentation without questions asked: Mike Becks
3.  Longest Presentation Ever: Richmond
4. Friendliest Gentleman: Flamingo
5. Frendliest Lady: Sandra Commey
6. Boy who used a car for more than one month: Nana
7. Girl who used a car for more than one month: Sheila
8. Miss Trendy Dress: Hannah Sackey
9. Mr. Trendy Clothes: Mordy
10. Always first to class: Daniel
11: Rarely Seen in Class: Boye
12. Alcohol in Blood: Richard, Flamingo, Richmond, Reginald
13. Facebook Addicts: Jacque, Mike Becks
14. Pastor in class: Linda
15.  I ask most sex-related questions: Flamingo
16. Call me drowsy-head: Chris David
17. Call me mimic: Richard
18. Call me peace-loving: Vanessa
19. Call me strong woman: Mary
20. Call me shy!!!: Debbie
21. Call me intrusive: Grace, Safoa
22. Call us Best Couple: Vanessa and Cyber. Daniel and Diamond
23. Most likely to end up as pastor: Nana, Flamingo, Daniel, Duker, Boye
24. Most likely to go into politics: Chris, Flamingo, Richard
25. Most Carefree: Rita
26. Lecturer with serious swag: Dr. Owusu, Prof Owusu
27. Lecturer with nice exam results: Dr. Cobblah, Dr. Darpaah
28. Lecturer with Gr8 sense of humour: Dr. Holbech, Prof. Attuquayefio

I think i will leave it here for now... If you have comments or questions, please post them in the ChatBox on the right. This will be updated whenever I see fit.
My name is CyB3r

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

We are all Just A Lil' Bit Messed up!!!

There is a song by Casting Crowns called "STAINED GLASS MASQUERADE".
This song talks about the life we are living, trying to act all perfect in front of our friends and other influential people.

As I grow and progress in my walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, there is one truth i have come to know as simply undeniable.


This is nothing to be excited about but on the other hand, it is nothing to be ashamed of either.

After all, this is the very reason why Jesus came to die for us. Remember, He who is healthy does not need a doctor/physician. Look because of our very weak and lustful as well as carnal nature, Jesus tells us to abide in Him in John 15. In that same chapter of scripture, He (Jesus) tells us that without Him, we can do nothing..

I have realized that day and night, dawn and dusk, summer and winter, come hell or high water, our flesh would always continue to fight our spirits. This battle is the very reason why we find it difficult to do the things which we ought to do as children of God. 

You see, I have suffered onslaught upon onslaught of fleshly attacks from the moment I gave my life to Jesus, several years ago. Sometimes I feel low and unspiritual because of this but then I have comfort in the fact that during a football match, despite the number of players on the field, it is only the player who currently possesses the ball is tackled.

No other player on the pitch is tackled!!!

This is comforting because it lets me know that I have something valuable that the people of the world do not have and because of that, I have become a target of the flesh.

Nevertheless, I would not stand and boast in the sins I have committed but I would rather lean on and rely solely on the redeeming and refining power of the grace of Jesus Christ, obtained through his Holy Blood.

We all sin. Let us not hide that fact. I suffer many weaknesses that would shock you (or not), if I were to open the lid to you.

You see, I just wanna encourage believers to find people that they can be accountable to and share (or confess) their weaknesses to. This is highly essential because the Bible says that He or She who covers His/Her sins would not be forgiven. On the contrary, God expects us to confess our sins one to another so that we may be able to pray for each other and encourage each other in the ways of righteousness and Godliness.

Dear reader, it does not not matter how your friends see you or who the see you to be. The important question is who does God see you to be? Remember that a day cometh, where we shall all stand before the Judgment seat of Christ and shall ACCOUNT for all the things we did. 

Let us therefore not continue to be hypocrites and pretenders any longer so as to look good in the sight of men but let us strive and endeavour to live for God and to be open with other believers. 

Remember, it is better for men to reject you than for God to deny you access into Heaven when it is all said and done and you have received all the praise from men and women!!!

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Even a thief (or armed robber, or any other criminal) on the day of His (or her) funeral, would have good things said about Him/Her. Think about it.

Let us take off the masks, and live openly and honestly, accepting the forgiveness and grace of God!!!



Thursday, March 10, 2011

When War is unavoidable!!! (Lessons learnt from Arsenal Vs. Barcelona)

This is not gonna be easy for me to say (and easy for you to read) but LORD, I pray that you would help me to say it as it is.


1. The End of a thing is more important than the beginning.

 Ecclesiastes 7:8 Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: and the patient in spirit is better than the proud in spirit.


You see regardless of where you have reached in life right now, you MUST ensure that your end is greater than your current state. Also, regardless of how well (or terrible) this year has started for you, you must not sit and allow circumstances and situations to be the way they are. You must press on with patience and humility and extreme perseverance to ensure that at the end of the year, on 31st night when you sit and reflect on the year 2011, you have as little regrets as possible.

Furthermore, it is imperative of you reading this, that you work hard to make your calling and election sure. By calling and election, I (and the Bible) refer to your salvation. As you read this, check to see where you were in your spiritual life 5 years ago and where you are now... Then ask yourself, are you growing in your walk with Christ or are you where you were 5 years ago, still a victim to the same sin which caused you to fall over and over again?

Maybe, some of us have even gone lower than 5 years ago because out of the blue, we have picked up certain affections and desires that are very worldly, fleshly and inappropriately carnal. Regardless of the state you and I find ourselves in, the Word of God is telling us that "THE END OF A MATTER IS BETTER THAN THE BEGINNING".

Let us never forget this simple truth. As long as you and I are reading this blog, it means there is hope for us to make our end the expected and purposed end that God planned for us even according to  Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

After all we all expected Arsenal to win this game even if they had to kill themselves to accomplish it. But what a shock!!!

When the whole world stood behind you oh Arsenal, you gave us a meaning of the scripture that "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning" 

Thank you for that lesson oh Arsenal!!! What would we do without you? You even have the ability to draw us closer to God.

Now this brings me to the 2nd lesson I learnt from the game.

2. If you do not shoot (attack), you do not score (win).

2Corinthians 10:4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 


We are reminded in the book of Ephesians 6:11-13; "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil".

The Armour of God we are being asked to put on is an indication that there is a war going on. This is the very first truth that every child of God needs to know.

This TRUTH is re-emphasized in 2 Corinthians 10:4 above, that the weapons of our WARFARE are not carnal. You see though many of us would like to simply be "I don't want trouble with Satan" Christians, the DEVIL is not gonna just not attack you because you refuse to fight!!!!

You see our NEMESIS the DEVIL, is not joking around especially in the times that we find ourselves in. Therefore, whether you WATCH AND PRAY as directed by the WORD of GOD or you choose to WALK AND PLAY, the Devil is still gonna bring his entire weaponry against you, if you indeed are a true child of the MOST HIGH GOD.

You see the Bible says that our adversary the DEVIL is prowling up and down like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
That is the very reason my friend, why the Bible tells you and I to put on the whole armour of God.

Sadly, many, many, many Christians of today especially the youth (who should be strong), have put on pieces of armour. Many of us may only have the HELMET OF SALVATION on our heads but do not have the BELT OF TRUTH around our waists. Some of us do not have our feet firmly grounded with SHOES OF THE PREPARATION TO PREACH THE GOSPEL, either because we are shy, cowards, timid, or scared to death by the devil and what our friends would say.
But how can they Hear the gospel and be saved if we do not preach?

Some of us even have the whole armour on but refuse to take up our swords and fight.

Now this is the problem I had with Arsenal!!!!

How can you play a match for well over 90 minutes and not take a single shot????


So CHRISTIANS, Stand Up!!!
Go Ahead and Man UP!!!

you need to use your sword and use it over and over again. But what is the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT???

The Word of God concerning your current situation, the Word of God concerning your future, the Word of God concerning your relationships, the Word of God concerning your Finances, the Word of God concerning you destiny, The Word of God concerning your Family and Friends, The Word of God concerning your academics, The Word of God concerning your Health, and the Word of God concerning FORGIVENESS OF SIN!!!!

You need to ACTIVELY search them out in the Bible and use them in any situation you find yourself in. 


Search out Spiritual Truths from the Word of God for yourself. Then the Bible says in Joshua 1:8 that you will make your way prosperous and have good success.

Lord, I pray for everyone who reads this blog, that you would cause the person to know the depth, and extent of your love and cause this one reading this to LOVE your word, STUDY your word, and LIVE your word in Jesus name.

Note: In the Biblical times they had only swords as weapons, but today the sword equivalent is the machine gun, bazooka, sniper rifle, the AK 47, the Semi-Auto Pistols, etc. Therefore let your imagination run wild as you use the various Rhema of God concerning your life.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Transformers 3 (Dark of the moon)

Well well, this is the only movie I, Frank Addae-Aboagye am anticipating and eagerly awaiting.
In fact anytime I see a new trailer, like the one in this link, I just can't sit still. Why July 1st people, why not today? DO YOU HEAR ME Mr. Michael Bay? 

Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please

Release Transformers 3 now!!!!

Or you hackers out there, please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please Please
Do what you do best and get me a Cinema Version self... Please Please Please Please Please Please,

Okay, so enough of the begging. I know you wanna see the links right? It is definitely embedded somewhere in this plenty gibberish. But speaking of transformers have you watched the transformers in  2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. {he is: or, let him be}  
 Ga 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new creature.

That is the transformers I am gonna hold onto b4 Mr. Bay releases the movie of the year. 

But lemme ask you a simple question, are you a new creature or are you still living according to your old ways and calling yourself a Christian? 

You know the Bible says that we should "Sincerely desire the earnest MILK of the WORD so we may GROW thereby"

Truth be told, if you are a born-again Christian who is still living a defeated life of sin, then perhaps you are refusing to grow because, you have not "been crucified with Christ". 

Maybe it is because you have not shed the old man (or woman ) in you and therefore you have not circumcised your fleshly nature. 

This is the reason why many Christians of today are still in the mess of yesterday.


We need to let Jesus be the OPTIMUM PRIME of our Life. He needs to be our Focus and lemme show you the secret of becoming a fully armed, military transformer for God, to take down the Decepticons of this world.

 Ro 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

2Co 3:18 But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed (TRANSFORMED) into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. {by the...: or, of the Lord the Spirit}.

 Jas 1:23 For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass:

I pray that this message/blog/post has touched your heart, and that you are gonna give it some thought. I am not doing any of this for my profiting. I Just love Jesus. I am not ashamed. Please just click the facebook icon at the end of the message and share it on fb. If on Twitter, you can do the same. Please feel free to leave your comments on the chat box on the right, or comment on this post using gmail, wordpress, etc.


 PS. For the link to the trailer, check out

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Then came Arsenal and Barcelona

Okay so Arsenal won... Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

Take that Barcelona......
But then the topic still remains... read it for the last, cos it will change in a few minutes....

Strangely what i wanna talk about is not football.
I wanna talk about the senseless addiction to football.
Chelsea, Barcelona, Tottenham, Man Utd. Arsenal, Liverpool, Real Madrid, Sunderland.
Brothers hear me out on this one.

What at all about football can leave students of UG arguing, debating, fighting, and quarreling with each other 3 SOLID hours after the football match is over and done with?

Please do not get me wrong, I have nothing against football. Then what is my problem u are wondering?

Well, I will tell you.

The same way many of us are not going to miss out tonyts match for anything in the world, do we have that preparedness never to miss Church service on Sunday?

You forget about church service for a bit and let us discuss your personal relationship with the man we call our LORD... The man we said sometime ago was our Personal Saviour...

Are we so excited to talk to Him first thing in the morning or are we patiently counting the minutes before the Arsenal Vs. Barcelona Match starts? You Tell me!!!

I also have another question for the guys.
If they would not give you any percentage of their money not even 0.00001 %, then why are you ready to die for a team whose players do not even have any idea that YOU, yes YOU, reading this blog exist???

They simply do not know you neither do they care about you.
So why don't we go to those who know us and care about us? People like Jesus, and true children of God who are not ashamed to be identified with Jesus, who do not simply criticize and judge, but radiate and give out love from the deepest parts of their hearts?

Why don't we turn to the one who knows us indeed and certainly knows the number of HAIRS on our heads, though YOU, may not even have an estimate?

Look I said do not get me wrong because myself, I am a Chelsea fan but regardless of that fact, I am more a fan of God than any football team or football star.

Believe me, I love seeing Tottenham play, but I would NEVER, use quality time I can use to study my BIBLE for arguing over Tottenham and AC MILAN.

Look Brethren, these people are making their monies as you are vehemently and fiercely fighting on their behalfs, so why don't you choose instead to go back to the God who has power to make you rich and never add any sorrow to it?

This is my personal opinion. I am not imposing this on you. You can share your comments below if you have a gmail account.
Love you all and I seriously WISH that Arsenal will pulverize Barca at the end of the day.
God loves you....

Monday, February 14, 2011

This issue of Sex!!!

Sex, Sex, Sex.
Please do not get me wrong.
My problem is that all you hear people on the University of Ghana campus talking about is Sex. People call it love making, others call it banging, others call it firing. I call it Fornication! Well not just me, the Word of God which is also the final authority on such issues also agrees with me. It is serious how porn movies in the form of sex scandals are found on peoples phones, laptops and any and every other device which has a video feature. It is even more disturbing the number of songs on the media which suggest sex. Let us not even mention the soap operas and the movies. Everyone is doing or talking sex. At least it looks like everyone. Imagine guys at Evandy Hostel limited watching a football match and a lady passes by, every head will then turn to look at her behind to view her "ASS". How perverted can we get with the ladies wearing all the see-through tights which do not even deserve to be worn in a bathroom? God help us all.