Whenever I hear of famous people or otherwise dying, there is only one thought on my mind. The fact that they can ascertain/verify the existence of Heaven or Hell or otherwise. How I wish that they could come back and share their experiences with us so we know whether to be casual about eternity, whether to be lukewarm or not, whether to take the Word of God seriously, or whether the Jehovah Witnesses are right or not. For me, I wholeheartedly believe in the existence of Heaven and Hell simply because of the fact that the infallible Word of God with reference to Jesus Christ says so. I am a Christian and so I believe in everything the Bible says. So what does the Bible say?
The Bible Says that "I go to prepare a place for you. IF IT WERE NOT SO, I WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU!!!" Also The Bible says that "If your Hand causes you to sin, cut it off because it will better to enter eternity without hands or (any other appendages for that matter), than to Enter Hell with Both Hands, Where the WORM DOES NOT DIE (WORM IS MAGGOT)". So who am I to doubt what The Bible says or to argue for or against the evidence of people who have had near-death experiences and "claim" to have glimpsed these two realities of eternity??? WHO AM I? MAY QADDAFI REST IS PEACE!!!